Let’s Curb Cancer
Curb Cancer is an exclusive Waste Concepts public relations fundraising tool through the use of Pink Cascade Carts. Here is how the program works:
- Haulers purchase Pink Carts from Cascade and provide them to customers as part of the service or for resale.
- A $5.00 donation is included in the purchase price of each cart which will be donated to a local American Cancer Society chapter for Breast Cancer Awareness. The haulers $5.00 will be matched by
- After the customer is supplied the cart(s), there is an ongoing fundraising program that most haulers opt to do. Customers have the option to donate a specific $ amount every month in their bill.They can do this with or without the Pink Cart. At the end of the year, the hauler matches the total paid funds. This an effective way to raise money and promote your hauling company on a year round basis. The funds raised from these proceeds can be donated to any cancer organization of the hauling company’s choice. These organizations are extremely grateful to receive the donation and promote the hauling company year round to show their gratitude.
- The Pink Carts can be ordered with or without the hauling company’s name/logo on the sides and the carts can be used for trash or recycling.
- Most haulers market the carts residentially, but many haulers have commercial customer requests as well.
- Waste Concepts assists with the purchase of the carts and setup and rollout of the program including sales and marketing with personalized literature, marketing materials, commercials, TV, radio, billboards, press releases, equipment/truck wraps and events and ongoing training to promote the program.